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“Regular electric water heaters bring water into a tank and warm it with heating elements inside – pretty standard.

But heat pump water heaters take energy straight from the source. That is, the walls and floors of your basement, which are warmed by existing heat in the earth’s crust.

“The point of the heat pump water heater is that it’s able to get part of its energy from the earth,” Pinney says.

Because of that, they use just one quarter of the electricity used by a regular electric water heater, saving owners money overall on electricity costs.

“I have a separate electric meter for just my water heater and my monthly kilowatt usage went down by 75 percent (after getting a heat pump water heater)” Pinney says.”

Read more about the costs associated with different water heaters here.

Many consumers just consider up-front costs when purchasing a water heater. However, what money is saved in the initial year most likely won’t offset the savings of investing in a superior water heater 3-4 years after installation. If you plan on staying in your home for many years to come, it’s certainly worth investing a little more money for better savings down the road.

If you’re trying to decide which water heater is right for your home, the experts at Apple Valley Eagan Appliance can help. Call us at 952-953-0080 to discuss your situation and we will offer our advice based on your situation. Additionally, you can visit our water heater page for more information.